Which of These Was YOUR Favorite Muscle Car?


Ford Mustang

The Ford Mustang is an iconic American muscle car that has been in production since 1964. It is one of the best-selling muscle cars of all time, and it has been featured in numerous movies and television shows. The Mustang is known for its sleek design, powerful engine, and sporty handling.

Chevrolet Camaro

The Chevrolet Camaro is another iconic American muscle car that has been in production since 1966. It is the rival of the Ford Mustang, and it has also been featured in numerous movies and television shows. The Camaro is known for its aggressive styling, powerful engine, and sporty handling.

Dodge Challenger

The Dodge Challenger is an iconic American muscle car that has been in production since 1970. It is one of the largest and most powerful muscle cars on the market, and it has been featured in numerous movies and television shows. The Challenger is known for its retro styling, powerful engine, and sporty handling.

Hemi Orange Dodge Challenger

Plymouth Barracuda

The Plymouth Barracuda is an iconic American muscle car that was produced from 1964 to 1974. It was one of the first muscle cars to be offered with a V8 engine, and it was known for its sleek design, powerful engine, and sporty handling. The Barracuda was discontinued in 1974, but it remains a popular classic car today.

AMC Javelin

The AMC Javelin is an iconic American muscle car that was produced from 1968 to 1974. It was one of the first muscle cars to be offered with a V8 engine, and it was known for its sleek design, powerful engine, and sporty handling. The Javelin was discontinued in 1974, but it remains a popular classic car today.

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